Frequently Asked Questions
I do not live close by, do you offer telehealth?
Yes! We offer telehealth on our HIPPA compliant platform, Jane. Once booked and scheduled, we will send you a link to attend the session.
Can I receive OT services via telehealth outside of Florida?
OT services are currently only being offered within the state of FL. More states to come!
What is your cancellation policy?
We understand that things come up. A cancellation more that 24 hours before your scheduled appointment will not result in a fee. A cancellation within 24 hours of your appointment may be subject to a fee of 50% of your scheduled therapy session. A no-show to an appt is subject to a charge of 100% of therapy services.
I live more than 15 miles from HomeBody. Can I still book an appointment for in-person therapy/wellness?
Absolutely! There is a $1. 00 mileage fee associated with meeting at a location more than 15 miles from HomeBody. You will be made aware of the charge prior to finalizing your booking for transparent pricing.
What is a Superbill?
If you are not covered by Medicare, we can provide a Superbill for possible reimbursement from your insurance provider. It will include: codes, reimbursement rate, and a description of the activities/exercises completed at each therapy date. We can not guarantee that the services will be reimbursed.